development of an Island
Mudronja family presents the connection of sustainable development incentive practice and preservation of biological diversity through respectable investments in restaurant renovation on the island Žut, which is a part of the Kornati archipelago.
Significant investments were undertaken in order to combine the sustainable development elements relating to the environment and economy:
• desalinisator to have drinking water from sea
• solar collectors to have electrical energy of 14 pieces at 150 W with three converters each 3 KW power, that provide electrical energy for two cooling chambers, aquarium pumps, ice machine, lighting…
• wastewater treatment

Just by knowing that our natural surroundings are our most precious asset was enough to encourage us to be the creators of ecotourism and respect the demanding ecological development standards and by doing so become active participants of the processes of the sustainable ecosystem.
We develop our property according to the high ecological standards, we strive towards the “ethically acceptable, ecologically clean, socially fair and economically profitable tourist production.”